Adding Users in Arreya

2 min. readlast update: 09.12.2024

Adding Users:

  1. Log in to your Arreya Manager at https://[yourchannel]
  2. Click grey [Channel Name] drop down at the top right of the screen
  3. In the navigation menu at the top, click [Management] then [Users]
  4. Click the green [+ New User] button to add a user
  5. Fill in the Name, Email, and Password
    Private Channel and Users
  6. If you wish to support Single Sign On for the user, check the boxes for Google or Microsoft Azure SSO depending on which you which so support.
  7. Choose the desired role for the new user.  Remember:
    1.  Owner has full access to everything
    2. Admin can change passwords, add channels, and make changes to billed features
    3. Manager has access to content and can add new viewers
    4. Viewer can only view the channel
  8. Be sure to Check the active checkbox
  9. Click the [Add User] button
  10. The new user should now appear in the list

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