Arreya Privacy Policy

4 min. readlast update: 09.11.2024

Click here for our latest Privacy Policy - Arreya Privacy Policy 4-24-2019 [PDF]

Last Reviewed 8/04/2023

This Privacy Policy describes in general terms how Presentations, Inc., d/b/a Arreya, and/or its affiliates (“we” or “Arreya”), collects and uses your Personal Information (defined below) in connection with you accessing and/or using the Arreya website ( (the “Website”) and any other part of the Arreya Service (as defined in Arreya’s Terms and Conditions of Use (the “Terms”)).  BY ACCESSING AND/OR USING THE WEBSITE, YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY AND CONSENT TO ARREYA TAKING THE ACTIONS DESCRIBED HEREIN.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to “Customer Content” (as defined in the Subscription Agreement (the “Agreement”)) processed, stored or hosted by Arreya in connection with providing services to you after you have created an account.  Customer Content is governed by the Agreement.


Arreya reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend, modify or replace this Privacy Policy.  The most current version of the Privacy Policy posted on the Website will supersede all previous versions.  It is your obligation to periodically review the Privacy Policy to stay informed of our updates.  You acknowledge and agree that the posting of such updated Privacy Policy to the Website shall constitute notice to you, effective as of the next business day after posting.  

Personal Information.

Collection:  In connection with you accessing and/or using the Website and any other part of the Arreya Service, Arreya collects and stores the following types of information about you (collectively, “Personal Information”):

  • Internet Protocol (IP) Address, which includes information about your location; 
  • Information about your activity on the Website, including your views and interactions with content on the Website; and 
  • Information that you provide, including your name, password, email address and phone number (but excluding your billing information, see “Billing Information” below).

Use Arreya uses the Personal Information it collects for the following purposes:

  • To maintain, improve and provide the Website and, if you create an account, the Arreya Service; 
  • To send information, updates and advertisements to you about the Arreya Service; and 
  • To communicate with you directly, if you provide an email address or phone number.

Sharing:  Arreya does not sell Personal Information to third parties.

Security:  Without limiting your obligations under, and subject to the limitations set forth in, the Terms and the Agreement, Arreya takes commercially reasonable (in light of Arreya’s size and the nature of its activities) measures designed to prevent the accidental or unlawful access or disclosure of your Personal Information.  YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ARREYA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES THAT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION WILL NOT BE ACCIDENTALLY OR UNLAWFULLY ACCESSED OR DISCLOSED.

Choice:  You can choose not to provide certain information requested by the Arreya Service.  However, this may prevent you from accessing and/or using some or all aspects of the Arreya Service.  

Retention:  We keep your Personal Information for such period of time as is necessary to satisfy the purposes for which it was collected (see “Use” above).  For clarity, we keep your email address, even after you have terminated your account, for purposes of sending you information about and advertisements for the Arreya Service until you notify Arreya in writing that you would like such communications to stop.   We will delete your Personal Information in accordance with any applicable laws.  To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you hereby waive any notice requirements now or hereafter applicable to the deletion of your Personal Information.

Billing Information

If you enter your billing information (credit card information) on the Website, you will be providing it directly to Arreya’s third-party payment processing vendor for verification, storage and processing of payments.  ARREYA DOES NOT COLLECT, STORE OR CONTROL ACCESS TO YOUR BILLING INFORMATION.  WHILE ARREYA BELIEVES ITS PAYMENT VENDOR IS PROFESSIONAL AND REPUTABLE, ARREYA CANNOT AND DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES ABOUT ITS PAYMENT VENDOR’S SECURITY PRACTICES.  By entering your billing information, you agree that Arreya shall have no responsibility or liability to you or your affiliates for any misuse of your billing information by Arreya’s payment vendor or by any person acting through Arreya’s payment vendor or for any accidental, unauthorized or unlawful access to or disclosure of your billing information.

Cookies Notice

Arreya uses “cookies” to learn more about you and to improve the Arreya Service.  Cookies are small data files transferred to your device by the Website that collect a variety of information about you, such as the number of times you access the Website, the number of times you visit a particular page and certain types of Personal Information.  Most browsers allow you to easily block cookies.  By visiting the Website and not blocking cookies, you consent to Arreya’s use of cookies.

Last reviewed: 8/04/2023
Last updated: 4/24/2019

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