Can I use Arreya on Android devices?

1 min. readlast update: 09.11.2024


Can I use Arreya on Android devices?

Yes. Arreya can run on an Android device with a few caveats. For the best experience with Arreya, we recommend enrolling your device in the Google Admin Console to allow for remote troubleshooting and device management. Android devices can not be enrolled in the Google Admin Console, so remote management is not easily achievable. Booting Android devices in kiosk mode can also be an issue as this is a feature within the Admin Console. Although there may be other options to accomplish this with Android devices, these options are not supported by Arreya and would not fall in the scope of Arreya's support. In order to run Arreya on an Android device, simply enter the url of your channel into the browser.



At this time, we only support Android devices running Android 7.1 (Nougat) or newer.


Contact us at 319-294-6671 or, visit our website, or sign up for a demo to learn more about Arreya.

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