The [Arreya] [Manager] has four different roles. They are:
- [Viewer]
- [Manager]
- [Admin]
- [Owner]
In this article, we will define these four roles and outline the scenarios in which they would be beneficial. The user rolles in [Arreya's] user management dashboard allow organizations fine grain control over their users. User roles can be changed or updated by [Owners], [Admins], and [Managers] at any time.
The viewer role has the LEAST permissions of all the available [Arreya] roles. Viewers are only allowed to view [Live] or [Scheduled] presentations.
- Viewers are NOT able to make any changes to [Arreya] content or [Schedules] and they are not able to access any other pages in the [Arreya] [Manager].
- The Viewer role IS useful for sharing digital signage content with individuals who SHOULDN'T be able to make changes to [Content] or [Schedules].
The manager role is one step above Viewer in terms of permissions.
- Managers CANNOT purchase [Additional Channels], NOR can they view [Payment Information].
- Managers ARE able to update [Schedules], edit and create new [Presentations], and access all of the [Arreya] [Manager] aside from [Billing] information.
The admin role is another step above manager and two above viewer.
- Admins; however, CANNOT view or change payment information
- Admins CAN access and [Edit] presentations or [Schedules] plus add [New Channels]
- Owners CAN make changes to any of the single or multiple [Arreya] channels.
- Owners CAN additionally edit and change the payment information.
Additional Questions or Concerns?
Please feel free to contact us by navigating to [Arreya], you will find a [Get Support] link in the top header where you can submit a ticket for assistance.