Defining User Roles in Arreya

2 min. readlast update: 09.09.2024

The [Arreya] [Manager] has four different roles.  They are:

  1. [Viewer]
  2. [Manager]
  3. [Admin]
  4. [Owner]

In this article, we will define these four roles and outline the scenarios in which they would be beneficial.  The user rolles in [Arreya's] user management dashboard allow organizations fine grain control over their users.  User roles can be changed or updated by [Owners], [Admins], and [Managers] at any time.


The viewer role has the LEAST permissions of all the available [Arreya] roles.  Viewers are only allowed to view [Live] or [Scheduled] presentations. 

  • Viewers are NOT able to make any changes to [Arreya] content or [Schedules] and they are not able to access any other pages in the [Arreya] [Manager].
  • The Viewer role IS useful for sharing digital signage content with individuals who SHOULDN'T be able to make changes to [Content] or [Schedules].


The manager role is one step above Viewer in terms of permissions. 

  • Managers CANNOT purchase [Additional Channels], NOR can they view [Payment Information].
  • Managers ARE able to update [Schedules], edit and create new [Presentations], and access all of the [Arreya] [Manager] aside from [Billing] information.


The admin role is another step above manager and two above viewer.  

  • Admins; however, CANNOT view or change payment information
  • Admins CAN access and [Edit] presentations or [Schedules] plus add [New Channels]


  • Owners CAN make changes to any of the single or multiple [Arreya] channels.
  • Owners CAN additionally edit and change the payment information.

Additional Questions or Concerns?

Please feel free to contact us by navigating to [Arreya], you will find a [Get Support] link in the top header where you can submit a ticket for assistance.


Still need help? If you're an Arreya Care subscriber or Standard Support customer–please contact us by navigating to our website and clicking Get Support in the top navigation header. Please take a moment to complete the included form, then click submit. Your inquiry will be assigned a ticket number for assistance. Arreya Care subscribers receive priority 24-hour response Monday through Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm CST. Standard Support customers can expect a response within 48-hours. Click here to purchase Arreya Care. 

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