Device Status Is Offline

2 min. readlast update: 09.09.2024

If your device status is OFFLINE, here are some possible causes and steps to resolve the issue -

  • Reboot the device
  • Try pressing the 'refresh' button for the device - From your dashboard, go to Management -> Devices, click [Refresh] next to the device that is offline.  If it returns to online, there may have been a temporary communication issue.
  • If you use Chrome Device Management - Log in to your Admin Console, navigate to the device, and look at the current status.  If the device is online, try capturing a screenshot or rebooting the device.
  • Verify that the internet is up and running - The most common cause of an offline device, is an issue with the internet connection.  Many 'stable' connections fluctuate throughout the day/week and you may see this reflected in the online/offline status as sporadic, short periods of offline status.
  • Verify that there is no interference from a Content Filter or Firewall - The second most common cause of an offline device, issues with content not showing, or problems pairing a device come from content filters or firewalls that interrupt communication with Arreya.  Please follow our instructions for content filters and firewalls -
  • Reboot the device

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