How do I change the card being billed?

1 min. readlast update: 09.11.2024

You will need to be the account owner for these screens to appear when you log in.  If you are not the account owner, please contact them to update the card information.  To change card billing log into your account and click on Subscription under the Management tab.  From there you will need to click on Add Card and input your current card information.  Once entered, click "Add Card" and it will change the card billing on the account.


  1. Log in and click on ManagementAccount Owner Change Card Being Billed
  2. Click on SubscriptionChange Card Billing
  3. Once in your Subscription page, click on +Add CardHow to Change Card Being Billed
  4. Add in the card information on the Add Card Screen and then click on Add Card button
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