Logging in to Your Arreya Channel

2 min. readlast update: 09.09.2024

Logging into Arreya:


There are two ways to login to Arreya. To sign in from the Arreya website, go to https://arreya.com/login/. This page will ask you for the channel name and then present a login screen.  The other login option is to sign in directly through your channel, skipping the need to enter the channel name.


To login from arreya.com -

  1. Go to the Arreya website (https://www.arreya.com/)
  2. Click on the [Log In] button in the grey menu bar found in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
  3. In the [Channel Name or Channel URL] field enter your channel name. Your channel name is the first part of your URL. For example either type "yourchannel" or "yourchannel.arreya.com".
  4. Click [Login]
  5. Next, enter your [Email] and [Password] into the corresponding fields. Then click [Sign In].
  6. Congratulations! You are now logged into the Arreya Manager, and you should see the Dashboard.Login to Arreya from Arreya Website


To login directly to your account -

  1. Enter https://<yourchannel>.arreya.com/login into the URL bar and press enter.
  2. Next, enter your [Email] and [Password] into the corresponding fields. Then click [Sign In].
  3. Congratulations! You are now logged into the Arreya Manager, and you should see the Dashboard.

Login to Arreya Directly Through Channel URL


From the dashboard you can manage your account, create new channels, view statistics, and much more. Contact us or sign up for a demo to learn more about Arreya Digital Signage.

Still need help? If you're an Arreya Care subscriber or Standard Support customer–please contact us by navigating to our website and clicking Get Support in the top navigation header. Please take a moment to complete the included form, then click submit. Your inquiry will be assigned a ticket number for assistance. Arreya Care subscribers receive priority 24-hour response Monday through Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm CST. Standard Support customers can expect a response within 48-hours. Click here to purchase Arreya Care. 

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